Rising Action Publishing Co.

A traditional independent publishing house committed to supporting diverse authors and stories.


At Rising Action, we are passionate about literature and sharing our authors’ stories with the world. Our commitment extends to readers, and our carefully curated collection of books includes unputdownable page-turners across many genres, delivering surprise, delight, that are filled with emotion. In 2024, we partnered with Simon & Schuster to distribute World English versions of Rising Action’s complete library of paperbacks and ebooks. For Canada ordering click here.


For authors

At Rising Action Publishing, we are more than your publisher, we consider our authors family. We support the authors we represent to ensure their books garner the attention and dedication they deserve. We never charge reading fees, and we are not a hybrid or vanity press. Our authors enjoy 360° support from start to finish, including all formats (digital, print, audio), wide channel and market distribution, marketing & advertising, public relations, ARC programs, the highest quality editing, formatting, cover design, and more.