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An Interview with our Author Maggie Giles

Early in January, we at Rising Action were delighted to sign Maggie Giles onto our imprint for her debut novel: A Life Less Lived. To get to know her as a person and a writer, we hosted an interview where she talks about her inspiration, the writing communities she is part of, and answers the questions that plague all Canadians.

Where are you located?  

I am in a tourist town in Ontario, Canada, called Collingwood. It's a pretty quiet area beyond the draw of the (Blue Mountain) ski hills, Georgian Bay, breweries and countless vineyards. I've been here just over five years and have been blessed to see the way the town has grown and changed. It also inspires me and so serves as a setting in a future novel that I'm working on! 

What age were you when you wrote your first story? Was it a short story? A novel? A fanfiction?
Oh boy, this is that fun question where I get to say I've been writing for as long as I can remember. But my very first story (at least the one we still have evidence of) was written when I was around age six. It was definitely a short story (or flash fiction, I suppose!), less than two hundred words and written for my older sister on her return from camp. I can confirm the story has several plot holes, but I did draw a nice picture to go along with it. I am also embarrassed to say that this book is still in the hands of my sister and may come out at some point during my publishing career. Please don't judge me! 

As I got older, I spent a lot of time making up stories for my younger cousins when I was babysitting and then got into the age-old Harry Potter fanfiction because part of me always wanted Draco and Ginny to hit it off (again, don't judge me!) I still have all those old notebooks filled with stories stashed away at my parents’ house. 

Is there any genre you would never write?

I don't like to say never, because you don't really know what inspiration will hit you! But I think the genre I would avoid would be horror. I scare very easily, and while I love a great, tense psychological thriller, I have always strayed away from anything too gruesome or frightening. 

Are you a pantser or a plotter? 

I'm that pesky in-betweener. I have at a time in my life been both, and I try hard to plot the majority of my novels now as I have a better understanding of the process and how to write a strong first draft. But sometimes that pantsing side comes out of me, and I can't help but let my characters take the reins! 

Where did your inspiration come from for A Life Less Lived

Several years ago, I got out of a long-term relationship and felt lost. It had been the longest relationship I'd ever been in, and we were so young when we met that we'd really grown together, even though we'd grown apart. I found myself confused, wondering if I made the right choice all those years ago when we started our adventure, and then I started to wonder, where would I be if we'd never met? 

That question inspired Maddie's story, while different from my own and focused on other things, that was what began her journey. 

Have you taken any formal writing classes? 

I don't have a formal degree in writing but have been a part of many professional workshops and classes over the years, from presenters like Donald Maass, Nicole Blades, Jennie Nash, and Margie Lawson. (All courtesy of the Women's Fiction Writers Association!) 

Are you part of any writer’s groups or communities? 

I love my writing communities. I learned a lot through the online critique platform Scribophile, which is where I met a lot of forever writing friends (Shout out to the Ubergroup!). It is also the place where I first discovered the Women's Fiction Writers Association. This organization holds my heart. I've been with them for seven years, and it's been the most valuable experience. I wouldn't be where I am without the authors of WFWA. They inspire and encourage me every day. 

What part of writing do you enjoy the most?

I love writing dialogue. I'm a talker (sorry for everyone who meets me in person), and I love seeing sassy dialogue come to life on a page. I've also been told that dialogue is one of my strengths as a writer, so of course, I take that to heart! 

Who has encouraged you the most in your writing? 

My very best friend has been the biggest encouragement. Celeste and I have been friends since we were 10 years old, and she has seen every bad draft I have ever written, yet she is my self-classified biggest fan. (My mom is a close second.) Celeste is the reason I actually considered writing professionally, which came about as a fluke when we backpacked Europe together in 2011. 

Aside from writing, do you have any other hobbies? 

I am a skier and hiker (Collingwood local!), knitter, video-gamer, and I love to cook! 

What three books would you cart around with you in an apocalypse? 

The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Jester 

  • I loved this book as a kid. The wordplay and literal meanings get me every time. 

Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel

  • This book is about the end of the world as we know it and is so clever in the way the present and past are tied together. It doesn't hurt that it's Canadian ;) 

And the little known, 

Words Are All I Have by Alexandra Sisam 

  • Poems about the raw human emotions we all face and struggle with daily. 

What is your favourite movie? 

“Sabrina,” but the original with Audrey Hepburn and Humphrey Bogart. Hands down. 

Where is your favourite place to travel?

The United Kingdom (Particularly England). I am a sucker for English history and all things castles. I have a castle tour mapped out and planned from Southern England, through Wales and into Scotland. It will take me at least a full month. I'll do it someday. 

And some Canadian-specific questions …  

What would you get on a Tim Hortons run? 

French Vanilla [cappuccino]. Nowadays, I'll go half FV half coffee to cut down the sweetness.

Do you like hockey? If so, what team?

I go through phases with hockey, but as a former Torontonian, the Leafs have my love. 

Tourtiere or Poutine? 

Poutine all the way. 

Ryan Reynolds or Ryan Gosling? 

This might be the hardest question to answer. I love everything Ryan Reynolds and think he's hilarious and beautiful, and I love his wife (Blake Lively). 

But Ryan Gosling holds my heart… Hey Girl, memes for life. 

Thank you for having me! I love meeting new people and connecting so please reach out on social media anytime! 


Twitter: @maggiegiles_

Instagram: @maggiegiles_ 

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/maggiegiles225 

If you are interested in learning more about the organizations mentioned above, find them here: 

Scribophile: https://www.scribophile.com/ 

Twitter: @scribophile

Ubergroup: https://theubergroup.org/

Twitter: @the_ubergroup

Women's Fiction Writers Association: https://www.womensfictionwriters.org/ 

Twitter: @WF_Writers

Instagram: @womensfictionwriters

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WFWritersAssociation